This was an enjoyable day and, surprisingly, not rainy!
The family together.We started our journey in the Richmond Nature Park Nature House. Where the staff were very informative and the displays are very instructive and fun. We promised the kids we'd return to the House after the walk. I am glad we did.
The fabulous thing about an overcast day is the great colour saturation.
Run, kiddies, run!As we started our journey into the 'wilderness', we decided to go the long route; and, what a good choice that was.
We began our trek at the pond.

One of us noticed all the bird houses in the park and started counting them.

Despite the fact it wasn't raining while we were there, there was mud everywhere! It was so muddy that feet were getting stuck often. (On purpose.)

And, one of us even got a dirty bottom from sitting down in the mud. (We suspect this was on purpose, too!)
Now don't sit down...doh!Of course, we saw lots of what Richmond looks like with its natural flora:

And, some flora and fauna:

But, the best features of that day would have to be the fauna:

All of us recommend the Richmond Nature Park. We had a great day, enjoyed the walk (not too long), had a fab time in the Nature House, and learned a lot of what Richmond is like in its natural state.
Labels: Nature House, park, Richmond, Richmond Nature Park, Watson